Cross Campus Strategic Initiatives
Cross Campus Strategic Initiatives (CSSI) provides central advocacy and professional development for OSU’s academic advising and academic counseling communities. We provide training, resources, advocacy, expertise, and community-building opportunities for professional faculty and instructional faculty. CCSI Director, Jeff Malone, also serves as Project Manager for the Every Student Graduates (ESG) group.
Transition Support
First-Year Syllabus
- Outlines key areas of learning for first-year students at OSU: Baccalaureate Core, Tools and Resources, Experiential Learning, and Exploration.
- Also lists college-specific syllabus inserts.
- Presents academic advisors as advocates, facilitators, interpreters and collaborators working toward student progress and success.
Next Steps Advising Syllabus
- Provides a framework for reflection and action as students move beyond their initial university or college experiences.
- A repository of shared information, on-demand content and discussion forums to aid and expand our ability to assist and advise students.
- Quarterly meetings for OSU's academic advising and academic counseling communities to come together for connection, updates and the sharing of new developments or initiatives.
- A variety of brief presentation blocks are offered at each quarterly event.
- If you are interested in presenting at a town hall, please contact Jeff Malone.
- Development and training sessions for academic advisors and academic counselors new to OSU or new to academic advising/counseling work.
- These cohort-based sessions are offered between two and four times per year (dependent on timing and quantity of new hires). Sessions generally occur in October, January and April. Each series contains eight distinct sessions.
In consultation with OSU's undergraduate colleges, CCSI administers OSU's top-level advising page which includes:
- A repository of Procedures to Declare Majors or Connecting with an advisors who is not on your Beaver Hub Success Team
- The FY Advising Syllabus and college-specific inserts
- The Next Steps Advising Syllabus
- Information on the OSU Academic Advising Vision, Mission, Goals, Commitments & Expectations
- The Colleges and Majors Overview document .
- A professional development series that provides multiple topical learning and discussion opportunities per quarter.
- The events are coordinated by a rotating group of frontline advisors from across the disciplines in concert with the director of CCSI.
- If you are interested in presenting at an Advisor Coffee Talk, please contact [email protected]
- Multiple 90-minute discussion and collaboration sessions rooted on the expansion of advising practice(s).
Committees, Councils, and Advisory Groups
- The CCSI Director provide a central voice for academic advisors and academic counselors as a member of:
- Academic Advising Committee (Faculty Senate)
- Advising Technology Committee (AAC Subcommittee)
- Council of Head Advisors (CHA) (informal body)
- Diversity Equity Inclusion Social Justice (DEISJ) (AAC Subcommmittee; ex officio member)
- OSUWelcome Coordinating Committee
- Transfer Advisory Council
- Every Student Graduates (ESG)
STAR (Students Taking Academic Responsibility)
An intervention protocol for first-year students who are placed on academic warning or academic probation. STAR is implemented at the college level by designated STAR point people.